Lucid Dreaming: A Deeper Dive

An online retreat over two weekends
Oct 8-10 and Nov 12-14, 2021

A 6-Day Virtual Retreat

With Andrew Holecek

Have you had the experience of lucid dreaming – waking up and becoming fully conscious in your dreams – but are having difficulty in sustaining it?

Are you looking to take your interest in
lucid dreaming to the next level?

Have you heard of dream yoga, but don’t understand how that differs from lucid dreaming?

Are you interested in how to use sleep and dream for spiritual awakening?

Learn more about these profound practices through this on-line program. Attendees will learn everything they need to enter the unexplored realms of the night.

This program is for those who have just begun lucid dreaming as well as seasoned dreamers wanting to go deeper.

Through lecture, Q and A, daily meditations, and small group break-out sessions (which work well on Zoom), we will explore the deeper aspects of the nocturnal meditations and their applicability to modern life. This course is designed for those who want to use sleeping and dreaming to explore the subtle dimensions of mind.

Overview of the Program

In this program Andrew presents the deeper teachings of the nocturnal practices. How do the “awakened ones” see the world? What do they wake up from, and what do they wake up to? How do we co-create our reality? How can we free ourselves and others from the trap of diurnal and nocturnal non-lucidity? What does it mean to see the world as a dream – and how do we attain that awakening?

From the exoteric to the esoteric, from theory to practice, from science to spirituality, this program draws on the ancient wisdom of the East and the modern knowledge of the West to penetrate the mysteries of the night — and the wonders of the mind.

Some Topics We Will Explore: 

  • The five nocturnal meditations.
  • The illusory nature of reality, and the science that supports it.
  • The origins of non-lucidity, historical and personal.
  • The nature of dreaming reality and its relation to waking reality.
  • Emptiness as the core of dream yoga.
  • The limitations of wake-centricity.
  • The spectrum of mind and identity.
  • Advanced induction methods.
  • The stages of dream yoga.
  • How to achieve the full lucidity of sleep yoga.
  • How we project our world.
  • The inner yogas; discovering lucid body.
  • Removing obstacles to lucidity.
  • Mixing day and night, life and death, inside and outside.

Cost: $399

This live event requires ZOOM webinar software, which you will be automatically prompted to download upon clicking the access link provided to you in your confirmation and reminder emails. Zoom is an easy to use webinar software available for Mac OS X, Windows, iOS and Android. Installation should only take a moment. The ZOOM link will be emailed to you before the first session.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: If you have a computer with a broadband connection (320 kbps minimum), web browser, and sound capabilities (microphone and speakers or headset), you will be able to view the webinar and participate in the Q&A period. Recommended System Requirements: Windows 8.1 or Mac OSX 10.5 or higher, and browsers version Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 3, Safari 4, and Chrome 11 or higher.

Daily Schedule

Note: All times Oct 8-10 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) or −4 hours (UTC/GMT -4)
All times Nov 12-14 Eastern Standard Time (EST) or −4 hours (UTC/GMT -4)

Friday and Saturday:
11:00 am – 2:30 pm
4:00 – 7:00 pm
9:00 – 10:00 pm (dream yoga sleep meditations)

11:00 am – 2:30 pm
4:00 – 6:00 pm

This program will be recorded and made available to all registered participants.

Introducing the Generation Stage Meditations

One of the most sophisticated spiritual technologies in the wisdom traditions are the generation stage meditations. These practices are also intimately connected to the practice of illusory form, and comprise the elusive second branch, called “pure illusory form”. Generation stage meditations help to generate lucidity, because they exercise the lucidity muscle of visualization.


Who Should Attend?

This retreat assumes participants have either attended one of my earlier lucid dreaming/dream yoga programs or read one of my books on this topic (Dream Yoga; Dreams of Light; or The Lucid Dreaming Workbook) or already have knowledge about the basics of lucid dreaming.

This program discusses the more advanced inner yoga induction methods, subtle daily meditations, and an integral approach to understanding non-lucidity and lucidity. This retreat is for those drawn to Buddhist practice, and a deeper understanding of the dimensions of mind.

It is a no-nonsense exploration of mind and reality through the Buddhist lens, augmented by modern disciplines. It’s for anyone wanting to make better use of the twenty-four hours of each day, and for those wondering what happens when they sleep and dream. It’s for intrepid pioneers interested in exploring the frontiers of consciousness, the creative powers of the mind, or those who want to prepare for death.

Meditation is an integral part of this program, which allows you to digest and metabolize the depth of these teachings. If you have questions about attendance, write to me at

Cost: $399


Are There Any Prerequisites?

The only prerequisite is that you have knowledge about the basics of lucid dreaming, like how to induce lucid dreams, or have read my dream books (below). This program discusses the more advanced inner yoga induction methods, subtle daily meditations, and an integral approach to understanding non-lucidity and lucidity.  If you’re looking for a basic introduction to lucid dreaming or dream yoga, this course is not for you.

Although there are no reading assignments required for attending this program, for those that are interested, there are several resources:

Reading List:

Any Procedures to Improve Dream Recall?
Good Dream Recall: No dreams, No Dream Yoga Good dream recall is essential. Even though we have at least six dreams each night, many people don’t remember them. LaBerge says that until you can remember at least two dreams each night it’s better not to even try the lucidity techniques. Good dream recall begins with your attitude. Value your dreams, and then plant the seeds for better recall. If you make your dreams important, they will come to you more frequently. As dream researcher Patricia Garfield says, “Those who do not “believe in” dreams or who believe them to be nonsense do not remember their dreams or have only nonsensical ones. Dreams are what you make of them. Dream states respond to waking attitudes.”  Tell yourself that you will remember your dreams. Get plenty of sleep, and allow yourself to sleep in. The fun part of dream yoga is giving yourself permission to languish in bed. Start a Dream Journal Dream journaling, or a dream diary, really helps. Getting a dream journal sets the intention that you’re taking this seriously. You’re putting your money where your mouth is. Anthropologist T.M. Luhrmann writes, “Many years ago, I joined a group that decided that we would write down our dreams. And my dream life changed. I seemed to dream more. I remembered more detail. I sometimes had dreams of mythic intensity.” If you have a hard time remembering dreams it helps to write down any snippet of any dream you can remember. When you wake up, ask yourself “Was I dreaming?” Close your eyes and try to go back in to recapture any part of the dream. Don’t Move Moving as you are waking up from sleep engages waking consciousness and pulls you out of the dream world. If you’ve already moved and think you did have a dream, return to the position you were in when you first woke up. Memories are lodged in our bodies. I have often recaptured a dream by returning to the position I was in when I had it. Make Use of “Primetime Dreamtime” To most effectively learn lucid dreaming, it helps to understand and take advantage of our sleep cycles. There are times when it’s best not to disturb sleep, and other times when we can make use of a sleep cycle to trigger lucid dreams. There are two main kinds of sleep, non-REM and REM sleep. REM sleep, which accounts for 25% of sleep, is associated with rapid eye movement (REM), muscle twitches, sleep paralysis, an active brain, and dreaming. The first REM period of the night is short, about five to ten minutes. This is why we rarely remember dreams from the early part of the night. If we have a non-REM dream, it tends to be less intense and emotional, often just a recollection of events from the day. As the night progresses, REM periods increase, and non-REM periods decrease. The first half of the night is mostly non-REM, and the second half transitions into mostly REM. Just before awakening we can be in REM sleep for 45 minutes to an hour, which is why we mostly remember our morning dreams. This is primetime dreamtime. On the weekends you can practice this by setting an alarm to wake up about two hours before you normally would, then stay up for fifteen minutes or so, and then going back to sleep. This will greatly increase the likelihood that you will remember a dream. With these tips it’s easy to start remembering your dreams.
Any Suggestions On Initiating Lucid Dreams?
Start with Strong Motivation and Intention Motivation creates momentum that carries into the dream world. It’s as if you are “seeding” the lucid dream, a technique that is basic to any level of dream induction or incubation. Intent comes from roots that mean “to stretch toward” (in- ‘towards’ and tendere ‘stretch’). Dream yoga begins by stretching the mind with intention. In order to wrap your mind around the dark you have to stretch towards it. You eventually want to stretch your awareness into previously unconscious states of mind, and the warmup for that elongation begins with your intent. Stretching in this intentional way therefore begins to expand your mind. Have you ever had to get up early and not had an alarm clock? By setting a strong intention to get up at a certain time we often wake up at that time despite not having an alarm. In the same way we can set an internal alarm to wake us up within a dream by setting a strong intention. Say It Out LoudTo actually practice intention, say to yourself throughout the day “Tonight I will remember my dreams. I will have many dreams. I will have good dreams. I will wake up within my dreams.” Don’t just mouth the words. Mean it. Really meaning it expresses that intent. You also strengthen the intention by saying it out loud. As you’re lying down in bed, ramp up your intent, like a sprint to the finish line. Strong intention has a connection to the power of hypnosis, which can be effective in lucid dream induction. Saying to yourself that you will have lucid dreams etc. can be viewed as a form of autosuggestion, or self-hypnosis. Soak in The Material Studying the view behind lucid dreaming and dream yoga strengthens this intent. Other expressions of intent come from reading books, taking courses, and basically spending as much time as you can with this material. When Stephen LaBerge was doing his PhD dissertation on lucid dreaming he was soaking in this material and had lucid dreams almost every night. My own work in writing my soon to be released dream yoga book echoes this phenomenon. Plant lots of seeds and you’ll harvest lots of plants. Do not underestimate the power of intent. Dream researchers Robert Price and David Cohen write, “Lucid dreaming appears to be an experience widely available to the highly motivated.” There are a number of good resources; we have provided a reading list in the above FAQ.

An online retreat over two weekends

Oct 8-10 and Nov 12-14, 2021 - We look forward to your participation.
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How to Lucid Dream

How to
Lucid Dream:
My Top 10 Techniques

A free pdf download. With the proper techniques, anyone can lucid dream. Find out how.

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